Our New Gardner Denver TEE Pump Packages

Our New Gardner Denver TEE Pump Packages
Contact us for price
Location:San Angelo, TX
Our standard Gardner Denver TEE pump package includes: new 3 X 5 or 4 X 5 triplex pump powered by customer’s choice of engine and transmission and equipped with a new Elliott Equipment three row 80 pitch splash lubricated chain reduction box. All Pumps are charged by a new Centrifugal pump and equipped with either a plunger lube system or a rod washing system depending on whether the pump is equipped with plungers ad packing or pistons and liners. Other options include: choke manifold systems, hard-line racks, engine canopies, digital flow meters, auxiliary oil systems for low speed operation and hydraulic power beyond systems for auxiliary equipment operations such as shale shakers and catwalks. All Elliott Equipment pump packages are unitized on a new three runner oilfield type skid with all necessary guards, bump bar, loading hitches, mud gauge, pressure relief valve, 120 gallon fuel reservoir and 75 gallon hydraulic fluid reservoir and hydraulic cooler. All equipment is painted one color, customer’s choice. (This unit is for demonstration purposes and is not for sale.)
Condition | Used |